Driving with Excellence: Bourdais Embraces Success Amidst Le Mans Pole Disappointment

Driving with Excellence: Bourdais Embraces Success Amidst Le Mans Pole Disappointment

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Sebastien Bourdais told media including Motorsport Week that he was “really happy” with his third-placed result during Hyperpole qualifying for the 24 Hours of Le Mans. “It was a really solid lap, said the Le Mans-born #3 Cadillac V-Series.R driver after the Hyperpole session. “You always leave something on the table at a track like […]

The #3 Cadillac V-Series.R driver from Le Mans described his Hyperpole session lap as solid but acknowledged there is always more to give at a demanding track like this. Despite the car not feeling great during testing, it performed amazingly during qualifying. With no traffic on his decisive lap, he was able to push through and secure a good position on the grid. Due to a grid penalty for #2 Cadillac, the #3 crew will start on the front row in second place for the race. Cadillac demonstrated strength during the Hyperpole session, with Bourdais setting a strong benchmark, ultimately securing a front-row start for the main race in June.

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